Sunday, August 17, 2008

Unforgettable moments from time away

In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Kind

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Journal entry: July 25

In the middle of a shiny expanse of grass, a family is led in quiet prayer.

Around them, families of two, three, four or more come and go, as children gallop from attraction to attraction in this giant water theme park in Toronto.

Another family stands to watch this odd sight as the father in prayer whispers just loud enough for the three women behind him to hear. . .

Allahu Akbar. God is Greater.

They bend at the knees, bowing towards Mecca which seems painfully far away, both physically and spiritually, and then prostrate, foreheads nestled in the long stems of green.

Though puzzling to others, it is a sight that comforts my troubled soul, trapped between two worlds and unsure of where to go.

The other sight that soothes the heart, is that of the Beluga whales gliding through water as children press noses and hands up against the thick glass to watch. The gray mammals and their offspring circle the water tank gracefully despite their containment, which is a reminder of something Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him, once said:

"The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer."

The key is to live with dignity and thankfulness despite feeling as though you are under house arrest. Hope I can keep that in mind.

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